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spaCy is a powerful open-source library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python. It provides a wide range of NLP tools and features, including Named Entity Recognition (NER), Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, dependency parsing, word vectors, and more. With its user-friendly API and efficient performance, spaCy is designed to help users build real products and gather insights from text data. It supports over 75 languages and offers pre-trained models and transformers for various NLP tasks. Additionally, spaCy has a large ecosystem, with plugins and components that can be easily integrated into your machine learning stack. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, spaCy provides the tools and resources you need for efficient and accurate NLP processing.


  • Support for 75+ languages
  • 84 trained pipelines for 25 languages
  • Multi-task learning with pretrained transformers like BERT
  • Pretrained word vectors
  • State-of-the-art speed
  • Production-ready training system
  • Linguistically-motivated tokenization
  • Components for named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, sentence segmentation, text classification, lemmatization, morphological analysis, entity linking and more
  • Easily extensible with custom components and attributes
  • Support for custom models in PyTorch, TensorFlow and other frameworks
  • Built-in visualizers for syntax and NER
  • Easy model packaging, deployment and workflow management
  • Robust, rigorously evaluated accuracy

Use Cases

  • Information extraction
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Part-of-Speech tagging
  • Dependency parsing
  • Text classification
  • Lemmatization
  • Morphological analysis
  • Entity linking
  • Building NLP pipelines

Suited For

  • Data scientists and NLP researchers
  • Machine learning engineers
  • Software developers
  • NLP enthusiasts


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