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Scalenut is a comprehensive content marketing tool that offers a range of features to help businesses with their SEO content lifecycle. It provides keyword planning, content creation, optimization, and analysis tools to improve organic traffic and search engine rankings. With Scalenut, users can discover keyword clusters, create content briefs, optimize content for search engines, and gain deep insights into website traffic.

The tool is designed to increase organic traffic by providing an AI-powered writing assistant, a keyword planner, a content optimizer, NLP terms for engaging content, a marketing copywriter, and a traffic analyzer. It also offers real-time SEO scoring, automated optimization, and historical trend analysis. Scalenut is trusted by over 1 million marketers of leading brands and has helped businesses improve their content efforts and SERP ranking.


  • Cruise Mode for writing SEO-friendly blogs in minutes
  • Keyword Planner to discover fresh ideas and align with popular search topics
  • Content Optimizer to boost content ranking and find SEO opportunities
  • NLP Terms for creating engaging and reader-friendly content
  • Marketing Copywriter to drive sales and extend brand reach
  • Traffic Analyzer for insights on page and keyword performance

Use Cases

  • Identifying keyword clusters and creating content briefs
  • Optimizing content for higher search rankings
  • Discovering fresh content ideas and aligning with popular search topics
  • Writing SEO-friendly blogs in minutes
  • Analyzing website traffic and improving content strategy

Suited For

  • Marketers
  • SEO consultants
  • Digital marketing consultants
  • Marketing and communications representatives