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OpenRead is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes the research experience by providing semantic search, AI summaries, and access to over 300 million papers in diverse disciplines.

With OpenRead, you can save time and effort by asking natural language questions and receiving relevant papers as search results.

The tool also offers AI summaries to condense and simplify complex concepts from multiple papers into one paragraph.

OpenRead covers over 400 categories across 1,052+ journals, ensuring comprehensive coverage of research topics.


  • Semantic search for effortless learning
  • AI summaries to save time in understanding new concepts
  • Access to over 300 million papers
  • Coverage of 400+ categories and 1,052+ journals

Use Cases

  • Efficient literature review
  • Research in specific disciplines
  • Learning new concepts quickly
  • Finding relevant papers for your research
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest research

Suited For

  • Researchers
  • Academics
  • Students
  • Professionals in various industries


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