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LiveReacting AI is a tool that uses AI technology to host interactive live shows, such as quizzes, with the ability to understand the context of the show and engage with the audience in real-time.

With LiveReacting AI, users no longer need to be on camera as the AI host autonomously delivers the show, introducing quizzes, reading questions, announcing winners, interacting with players, and providing a mix of educational and entertaining content.

The tool offers features like optional instructions for the AI host, multilingual capabilities, customizable avatars, and the ability to stream to multiple destinations.

LiveReacting AI is suited for various industries and purposes, from educational institutions and influencers promoting products to small pub owners hosting quizzes.


  • AI technology that understands the context of the live show
  • Delivers quizzes, reads questions, and announces winners
  • Interacts with players in real-time
  • Optional instructions for the AI host
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Customizable avatars
  • Ability to stream to multiple destinations

Use Cases

  • Hosting interactive live shows, such as quizzes
  • Engaging with the audience in real-time

Suited For

  • Educational institutions
  • Influencers promoting products
  • Small pub owners hosting quizzes
  • Anyone looking to host interactive live shows without being on camera