Arktan logo is a cloud-based computer vision software platform that allows users to create AI projects and solve problems using computer vision algorithms.

It offers domain-specific large vision models (LVMs) which are trained using proprietary images to enhance model development and performance.

Users can upload and label their own images, train and evaluate their models, and deploy them seamlessly to cloud, edge, or Docker environments. is suited for individuals and organizations looking to build computer vision applications across various industries.


  • Domain-specific large vision models (LVMs)
  • Upload and label images
  • Efficient model training
  • Comprehensive model evaluation
  • Easy model deployment

Use Cases

  • Building computer vision applications
  • Improving model performance through domain-specific LVMs
  • Gaining insights from unlabeled images

Suited For

  • Individuals and organizations looking to build computer vision applications
  • Startups and enterprises
  • Professionals in the automotive, agriculture, electronics, manufacturing, and medical industries