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DeepVision AI is an artificial intelligence facial recognition software that uses deep learning to accurately and quickly detect and match human faces. It can search through a database of millions of faces to find a match, with no racial or gender bias. With features like anti-spoofing and liveliness testing, it provides reliable and secure facial recognition solutions for various industries and applications. It can be deployed on-camera, on-server, or in-cloud, making it flexible and adaptable for different environments. DeepVision AI is developed and powered by Amplus, a web development company located in Hyderabad, India.


  • Fast and accurate facial recognition
  • Detection and matching of multiple faces simultaneously
  • Anti-spoofing and liveliness testing
  • Offline and real-time modes
  • Enrollment of faces into the database
  • Deep learning and AI-powered with high accuracy
  • Optimized for in-camera, on-server, and in-cloud deployment

Use Cases

  • Law enforcement and transportation
  • Banks and retail stores
  • Government institutions
  • Airports and ports
  • Enterprise and commercial security
  • Educational institutions
  • Urban and public area monitoring

Suited For

  • Integrators
  • OEMs
  • Developers
  • Security professionals