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Corpora is an AI-powered tool that allows users to talk to, search through, and generate data. It enables users to upload files, ask questions or give instructions in natural language, and receive instant, accurate responses. Corpora leverages the power of GPT-4 and ChatGPT to increase productivity and efficiency.


  • Instant and accurate content retrieval and generation
  • Upload files and start chatting
  • Ask questions or give instructions in natural language
  • Ability to study, extract, and analyze data
  • Q&A functionality to quickly find accurate answers
  • Access to relevant laws, regulations, and taxes

Use Cases

  • Empowering users with instant content retrieval and generation
  • Efficiently searching through and analyzing data
  • Finding accurate answers to questions
  • Accessing relevant laws, regulations, and taxes

Suited For

  • Individuals and teams who need to retrieve and generate data
  • Professionals who need to quickly find accurate answers
  • Organizations that require access to relevant laws and regulations


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