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Chatmosphere is a tool that allows you to generate a chat room based on the description of characters you want to talk to and the purpose of the room, with features including 'Choose Your Own Adventure' story events, adding documents to your characters, and the ability to chat with fictional characters or celebrities.

It is suited for solopreneurs who want to brainstorm with employees of different personalities and expertise, designers, marketers, engineers, product teams, and anyone who wants to have fun chatting with their favorite fictional characters or celebrities.


  • Generate a chat room based on character descriptions and purpose
  • Choose Your Own Adventure story events
  • Add documents to characters
  • Chats stay on your device only
  • Use OpenAI key

Use Cases

  • Brainstorming with employees
  • Chatting with fictional characters or celebrities

Suited For

  • Solopreneurs
  • Designers
  • Marketers
  • Engineers
  • Product teams
  • People looking for fun