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Amazon Rekognition is a powerful tool provided by Amazon Web Services that automates image recognition and video analysis for your applications, even if you have no machine learning (ML) experience. It offers pre-trained and customizable computer vision capabilities to extract information and insights from your images and videos. With Amazon Rekognition, you can quickly add computer vision APIs to your applications without the need to build ML models from scratch. It allows you to analyze millions of images, streaming, and stored videos within seconds, and augment human review tasks with artificial intelligence. The tool is fully managed and scalable, meaning you can easily scale up or down based on your business needs and only pay for the images and videos you analyze.


  • Pre-trained and customizable computer vision capabilities
  • Face liveness detection
  • Content moderation
  • Object, scene, activity, and text detection
  • Face comparison and search
  • Custom label detection using automated machine learning
  • Video segment detection
  • Face detection and analysis
  • Celebrity recognition

Use Cases

  • Detect inappropriate content across image and video assets
  • Verify identity online through facial comparison and analysis
  • Streamline media analysis by automatically detecting key video segments
  • Send connected home smart alerts based on detected objects

Suited For

  • Developers and businesses who want to automate image recognition and video analysis in their applications without the need for machine learning experience