AI:R MATH is a Chrome extension that provides instant math solutions and step-by-step explanations for math homework problems. It utilizes AI technology to recognize and solve math problems in just 3 seconds. In addition, users can ask expert tutors for help, and the tool covers a wide range of math topics including Geometry, Algebra, and Calculus.
- Instant math solution in 3 seconds
- Step-by-step math solutions available
- Access to expert tutors 24/7
- Coverage of various math subjects
Use Cases
- Get instant solutions and step-by-step explanations for math homework problems
- Ask expert tutors for help with math questions
Suited For
- Students
- Parents
- Anyone needing help with math homework
AI:R MATH is a Chrome extension that provides instant math solutions and step-by-step explanations for math homework problems.
Yes, you can upload photos of math problems from your gallery.
AIR MATH Homework Helper covers a wide range of math subjects including Geometry, Algebra, and Calculus.
You can earn extra free tickets by inviting friends to use AIR MATH Homework Helper.
If AIR MATH Homework Helper fails to recognize the math problem, you can try retaking the photo or seeking help from expert tutors.