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AIApply is a comprehensive AI-powered job search tool that offers features such as generating custom cover letters, rewriting resumes, creating follow-up emails, providing AI job interview preparation, resume translations, professional AI headshots, resume hosting, and more.


  • Job Application Kit Generator for custom cover letters, resumes, and follow-up emails
  • AI Resume Builder for quickly generating resumes
  • AI Job Interview preparation tool
  • Resume Translator for translating resumes
  • AI Headshots for generating professional headshots
  • Resume Hosting for sharing resumes via a link

Use Cases

  • Creating custom cover letters, resumes, and follow-up emails for job applications
  • Preparing for job interviews with AI-generated mock interviews and personalized answers
  • Translating resumes in a single click
  • Generating professional headshots for personal branding

Suited For

  • Job seekers seeking to optimize their job search process with AI-powered tools