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Labs.Google is a platform that showcases Google's latest AI tools and technology, providing users with access to experimental tools in various domains such as music, writing, language, and more.


  • Search powered by generative AI
  • MusicFX for generating musical ideas
  • Bard Extensions for accessing info from Google Apps and services
  • Help Me Script for turning text into home automation scripts
  • ImageFX for transforming text into images
  • NotebookLM, a personalized AI collaborator
  • Say What You See for improving image-reading skills
  • Duet AI for collaborative AI tools in Google Workspace
  • TextFX for AI-powered language tools

Use Cases

  • Quickly finding information and generating ideas on various topics
  • Creating and exploring music using AI
  • Accessing and integrating Google Apps and services in creative projects
  • Automating home functions using text-based scripts
  • Generating and exploring images using text prompts
  • Collaborating and brainstorming with an AI assistant
  • Improving image-reading skills through prompts
  • Enhancing collaboration and organization using AI tools in Google Workspace
  • Assisting with writing and language tasks using AI language tools

Suited For

  • Researchers
  • AI enthusiasts
  • Music creators
  • Writers
  • Artists
  • Educators
  • Individuals interested in exploring AI tools and technology


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