Predict is an industry-leading predictive AI tool that allows you to pre-test and optimize images and video content with high accuracy by simulating consumer attention on your visual assets in seconds.
Simulate consumer attention on visual assets
Pre-test and optimize images and video content
Get creative data in seconds
Measure attention and engagement
Compare creatives to industry standards
Boost brand awareness
Drive in-store and online sales
Optimize website and online store
See how details impact attention, sentiments, and engagement
Empower marketing with AI predictions
Use Cases
Increasing conversions
Improving creative performance and design processes
Maximizing creative impact
Boosting brand awareness
Driving sales
Improving user engagement
Suited For
Graphic designers
Advertising agencies
What is Predict?
Predict is an industry-leading predictive AI tool that allows you to simulate consumer attention on your visual assets and optimize them with high accuracy in seconds.
How does Predict work?
Predict is built on Neurons' consumer neuroscience database and uses eye-tracking data to predict human behavior in relation to visual assets.
What are the benefits of using Predict?
Using Predict can help you pre-test and optimize creative content, compare it to industry standards, measure attention and engagement, and ultimately boost conversions and brand awareness.